Read the latest Covid 19 update.

January 2, 2025

Hello Residents, Family Members, Staff and Visitors,

This is a brief update and follow up to our last Covid-19 update, dated December 31, 2024. Today a staff member tested positive for Covid-19 after developing symptoms. This staff member will remain off the schedule for at least seven days from the date of their positive test. They are encouraged to follow the CDC guidelines for healthcare staff and practice isolation for at least seven days. After this period of time, they can return to work upon having a negative test for Covid-19.

Per facility guidelines, this positive case requires us to reassess our resident and staff testing schedule for the remainder of this week. This staff member does not provide direct care and hasn’t been in the facility for the last 48 hours. Additional tests will be completed based upon potential exposure to this individual and if any more positive cases are identified, we will provide an update.

Please don’t forget to order your own test kits for use at home, per our last communication at Also please remember to wear a mask inside of our center at all times. We also provide plenty of hand sanitizer for everyone to use before, during and after each visit to the building. In the event a visitor to our building tests positive within five days of visiting a resident, please contact either myself or a nursing administration staff member so that proper precautions and testing can be put in place for your resident.

Please let our staff know if you have any questions concerning our guidelines or Covid-19 in general.


Ed Walter,


The People Behind Citizens Care

Highly Qualified and Dedicated

Citizens Care is a leader in providing quality health care thanks to our dedicated and highly-qualified staff, many of whom have been with us for years. Please feel free to contact any member of our experienced and helpful management team to discuss your specific questions or concerns.

AdministratorEd Walter
Director of NursingCassie Evering
Director of ActivitiesJocelyn Silver
Director of Business OperationsKeith Streett
Director of Dietary ServicesDarrick DeBoard
Director of Environmental ServicesTheresa Gebhardt
Director of Human ResourcesDiana George
Medical DirectorHi Sup Sim, MD
Assistant Director of NursingBrittany Harrison
Director of Facility OperationsRobert Watson
Director of Volunteer Services/Public RelationsJanet McDonald
Director of Marketing/AdmissionsNancy Bennett

Interested in Joining our Team

For information, please call Diana George at 410-942-2102 or view Current Openings.

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